You may have noticed Jan’s been a little preoccupied lately. She’s not been posting here very regularly, not even at least once week like she intended when she put out the welcome mat a few years ago. Not going to point out just how long ago that was.
She’s still plugging along on the book, “Gratitude’s Journey.” I’m just a wee bit giddy with excitement….can hardly wait for you to see it.
Instead of just sitting around the studio, twiddling my thumbs and trying to not look board, while Jan is “hyper-focused” on finishing up the book I decided it was time for me to pitch in and help Jan out.
We put our heads together and came up with the idea to bring you something to look forward to every Tuesday. We’re calling this new weekly post TLC Tuesdays cause everyone could use a little more TLC in there life. Here’s a short video I helped Jan create for you. Hope you enjoy it. How are you spreading more TLC in your world? Sharing your TLC stories will help to inspire everyone including Jan and me.
Leave a comment below if you’d like to have a free download of the “(T)ray of Sunshine” tag printable.