Monthly Archives: September 2014

Announcing Blank Canvas Hop Winner


I finally had Gratitude help me pull the winner’s name for the Blank Canvas Carry-All Tote this morning.  I know people have been eager to hear who the lucky person is to receive this inspiration package.  Since it has been one of those weeks that has had more “Get-to-dos” than hours in the day we decided to do a quick video to first do a little show and tell, then have Gratitude pull the lucky winner’s name out of the tote and announce the winner.  Don’t want to ruin the surprise quite yet. My reaction is kind of hilarious.  So if you’re curious you will have to watch the short video to find out who got lucky.  I know I am such a tease.  I will be in touch with the winner shortly to get the information on where to send this package.


This was such fun we may be doing another in the near future in conjunction with a special program we are considering offering. An idea that was actually inspired by this hop.  So we will keep you posted about upcoming details regarding that possibility. 

And now enjoy the video. And congrats to the winner.


Blank Canvas CAPE-ers

This is day number 6 of the Blank Canvas Blog Hop.

If your visiting us for the first time Gratitude and I want to welcome you and invite you join us for a little frolic through our creative process and how we like to approach the sometimes intimidating blank canvas. We like to think of this as our blank canvas CAPE-er. Why? Cause it feels less serious, more playful and fun. And we are all about incorporating more fun into our life, especially our creative life.

And I will let you in on a little secret; give you a little peek into how my crazy creative brain works. I was out walking the other day…thinking about this upcoming blog hop…having a private conversation with my good friend and muse Gratitude, when we got the hair brained idea to make a creativity cape. In my imagination I saw this cape as kind of cross between a super heroine’s cape and a wizard-magician cape…colorful, fun, with inspirational messages liberally splattered all over it.  Stay tuned for this capes debut in a future video.

Then as I was contemplating what this wonderfully wild and creative cape might look like I started to see the word CAPE as an nifty little anachronym which could help me to talk about my own creative process in a simplified way.

Letter Cis for Consulting and Collaborating with my muse.

Sometimes we write long letters to each other. Other times we just go for a walk and have a little chat. I think it helps to actually get intimately acquainted with each other. What does your muse look like? What quirks does she have? What are her favorite pastimes? Your muse might not be a she. My first “muse” was Jewelietta. She and I never really fully synched up. That happens. Today Jewelietta mostly sits quietly on the shelf looking over my shoulder.  She’s cute as a button, but she doesn’t have much to say.  Then Gratitude came along. She quickly became an important ally in my creative process. She has lots to say.  Over time we’ve gotten to know each other inside and out.  So don’t get discouraged if you don’t click right away…keep your door open and your welcome mat out and your muse will find you.

Letter Ais for Appreciating and Allowing my process.

This includes knowing when to step away…when to give myself space. It means to stay open and not too attached and rigid about it having to look a certain way. It means being willing to shift in an entirely new direction. It means looking at a so-called “mistake” or miss step as simply an opportunity for something unexpected and precious to emerge. And its knowing that most of my creative endeavors will not make my A list. That’s not really the point..that’s just the cream and a steady diet of cream would be boring and isn’t good for anyone. The point is to find joy and love in the process. Ironically this is when some my best most creative work happens…when I’m not weighing myself down with heavy handed high expectations.  It’s about remaining mindful that it is more about the creative journey than it is about the end result.

Letter Pis for protecting my early efforts from unnecessary criticism

Giving my barely formed ideas a chance to take hold before they are squashed by the more pragmatic and less fanciful mind. It means surrounding myself with encouraging and supportive friends that understand that our creativity can all too easily be trampled on. This especially includes protecting my efforts from my own sometimes very vocal inner critic. Often times a job reassignment is in order for my inner critic.  P is also for play. Play with abandon, be adventurous, experiment, ….keep it fun and channel my inner kid. The sign on my creative clubhouse says kids welcome…no critics allowed.

Letter E is for engaging the heart and trusting myself.

Not over thinking my process. Not talking myself out of trying something off the wall or risky. But rather feeling into it and trusting my intuition. It’s saying YES when the spirit moves me.

Now one last thing…

Saving the best for last of course. Leave a comment below and/or sign up for Gratitude’s uplifting and inspiring eLetter to be entered for a chance to win your very own one of a kind custom-made, artist’s “CAPE-er” carryall tote containing a hand-bound art journal and other goodies to inspire your creative escapades.

Creating this was definitely a labor or love and joy. Going to have to make myself another one.  This is what it looked like when I started. A “plain jane” blank canvas carry-all tote.


And then I added some acrylic paint in simple happy splashes of color letting the colors blend into to each other.  No hard edges …just a vibrant “watercolor” effect as my first layer background.


Side one: Have you hugged your dream today with Gratitude giving herself a big selfy hug.  The two quirky birds singing their happy song came later. I wasn’t sure if this was finished at first…so I stepped away and came back to it with a fresh set of eyes the next morning.  Asked myself the question, “I wonder what it would be like to paint a bird with hiking boots?”….that thought kind of made me me giggle.  It felt inspired so I went with it.


quirky birds








I decided each side would have an inspiring message so I narrowed that down to What?  Rules?  Toss ’em out I say.  In the creative process rules are overrated and made for breaking. If you must have them make your own.

What Rules

Creatively Inspired- I just let my imagination take the lead here.  Had fun embellishing with fanciful doodles and dangles.

creatively inspired

And finally in honor of The Blank Canvas Blog Hop ….  Blank Canvas SuperStar! ‘Cause we all have an inner SuperStar who waiting and eager to make their unique mark in the world. Make a splash. Shine brightly.

Blank Canvas Superstar

And here’s a peak at the whole bundle of inspiration which includes the carry all tote, a coordinating hand bound art journal with 140lb watercolor pager, and a peak at one of three handy implement rolls…good for pen, markers, brushes.  So take a minute to leave a comment and/or sign up for Gratitude’s eLetter. You might be the lucky winner of this package and find out what other inspirational surprises are included.


inspiration caper bundle

Thank you for stopping by.  Here’s wishing you many happy blank canvas CAPE-ers.


And check out my artist friends fascinating and inspiring posts and learn how you could possibly win other fun stuff. Here’s the line up:

Sept 8 ….. Karen Friedland 
Sept 9 ….. Lezette Markham
Sept 10 ... Cynthia Patton
Sept 11Jennyann Carthern
Sept 12 … Friday Frenzy: Tori Deaux    Karen Friedland  Kiala Givehand  
Sept 13 … Jan Blount
Sept 14Effy Wild
Sept 15 Virginia Simpson-McGruder
Sept 16Dariana Cruz
Sept 17 Susan Miller
Sept 18Grace Howes
Sept 19Tori Deaux
Sept 20Kiala Givehand
Sept 21Martin Arkenstone
Sept 22Nicole Piar

If you missed any of these artist posts be sure and go back and check them out and enter their giveaway for a chance to win cool stuff.  The winners will be announced at the end of the hop. You could bookmark this page and remember to return each day for the new link ….or even better sign up here to easily participate in the blog hop and get a convenient reminder message with a link to the next artist’s article.  Then continue to stay in touch, receive uplifting and inspiring notes from Gratitude, timely updates, and eLetter only special treats.

Announcing the Blank Canvas Hop

Think about it.  Everyday we wake up to a fresh new “canvas” and get to decide how we will “paint” our day.  I believe we are all artists.  Every one of us is creative and has had to face a “blank canvas” in one way or another on a regular basis.  Blank-canvas-hop

During the next two weeks, when you join us for the Blank Canvas Blog Hop, you will get to take a closer look at how fifteen artists from varied backgrounds deal with the blank canvas.  Where do they find their inspiration? What does their creative process look like? How do they get unstuck?  What tips do they have to offer?  And no not everyone of these artists work on canvas.  But I’ll let you discover that for your self. 

If you’re new to the concept of a blog hop this is how it works.  Each artist will be sharing on a different day.  I’ll be sharing my post on September 13th and announcing what I’ll be giving away on that day so be sure and stop back by here on the thirteenth.  I’m really excited about my gift.  I’m pretty sure your are going to love it!  It’s one of a kind, valued at over a $100 dollars, and I’m going to have a really hard time parting with it.

Yep, that’s right each artist is giving away a special gift to one lucky winner.   Here’s the line up for the next two weeks. 

Sept 8 ….. Karen Friedland 
Sept 9 ….. Lezette Markham
Sept 10 ... Cynthia Patton
Sept 11Jennyann Carthern
Sept 12 … Friday Frenzy: Tori Deaux    Karen Friedland  Kiala Givehand  
Sept 13 Jan Blount
Sept 14Effy Wild
Sept 15Virginia Simpson-McGruder
Sept 16Dariana Cruz
Sept 17Susan Miller
Sept 18 … Grace Howes
Sept 19 … Tori Deaux
Sept 20 … Kiala Givehand
Sept 21 … Martin Arkenstone
Sept 22 … Nicole Piar


If you missed any be sure and go back check them out and enter their giveaway for a chance to win cool stuff.  The winners will be announced at the end of the hop. 

Your could bookmark this page and remember to return each day for the new link …or even better sign up here to easily participate in the blog hop and get a convenient reminder message with a link to the next artist’s article. Then continue to stay in touch, receive uplifting and inspirational notes from Gratitude, timely updates, and eLetter only special treats.