Announcing the Blank Canvas Hop

Think about it.  Everyday we wake up to a fresh new “canvas” and get to decide how we will “paint” our day.  I believe we are all artists.  Every one of us is creative and has had to face a “blank canvas” in one way or another on a regular basis.  Blank-canvas-hop

During the next two weeks, when you join us for the Blank Canvas Blog Hop, you will get to take a closer look at how fifteen artists from varied backgrounds deal with the blank canvas.  Where do they find their inspiration? What does their creative process look like? How do they get unstuck?  What tips do they have to offer?  And no not everyone of these artists work on canvas.  But I’ll let you discover that for your self. 

If you’re new to the concept of a blog hop this is how it works.  Each artist will be sharing on a different day.  I’ll be sharing my post on September 13th and announcing what I’ll be giving away on that day so be sure and stop back by here on the thirteenth.  I’m really excited about my gift.  I’m pretty sure your are going to love it!  It’s one of a kind, valued at over a $100 dollars, and I’m going to have a really hard time parting with it.

Yep, that’s right each artist is giving away a special gift to one lucky winner.   Here’s the line up for the next two weeks. 

Sept 8 ….. Karen Friedland 
Sept 9 ….. Lezette Markham
Sept 10 ... Cynthia Patton
Sept 11Jennyann Carthern
Sept 12 … Friday Frenzy: Tori Deaux    Karen Friedland  Kiala Givehand  
Sept 13 Jan Blount
Sept 14Effy Wild
Sept 15Virginia Simpson-McGruder
Sept 16Dariana Cruz
Sept 17Susan Miller
Sept 18 … Grace Howes
Sept 19 … Tori Deaux
Sept 20 … Kiala Givehand
Sept 21 … Martin Arkenstone
Sept 22 … Nicole Piar


If you missed any be sure and go back check them out and enter their giveaway for a chance to win cool stuff.  The winners will be announced at the end of the hop. 

Your could bookmark this page and remember to return each day for the new link …or even better sign up here to easily participate in the blog hop and get a convenient reminder message with a link to the next artist’s article. Then continue to stay in touch, receive uplifting and inspirational notes from Gratitude, timely updates, and eLetter only special treats.

2 thoughts on “Announcing the Blank Canvas Hop

  1. You are delightful. I have a paper mache fish that is adorable and hangs in my art studio. I talk to her sometimes when I’m creating. Does she count as a muse?

  2. Oh I want to see your adorable fish. No question about it Carol …she’s definitely a muse. Muses show up in all sorts of guises. Does your fish have a name?

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